Peri/Meno-Positivity is HERE!
What if we told you women got HOTTER with age? Not just with Hot flush/flashes, but with Energy & Empowerment. Our team is here to help you reclaim & create your Best Life.
Just not feeling like yourself anymore? Our holistic & evidence-based MenoPassion is all about balancing YOU, so you can feel like YOU again.
We get it. We learn it. We share it. We live it. Join the MenoPosse!
Who says women get HOTTERwith age? We DO!
Let’s face it: our wisdom is maxed by a dedicated life of digging through mis-information & outdated science/politics to find ourselves, our sexuality, our freedom, our power, our self-love. We have brains built for leadership & hearts of gold. So if pausing the menstrual hormone cycles, has you
NFLM: Not Feeling Like Myself.
We Get It! And we are a stand for Power in all this…
We Got YOU

Meet Dr. Wood

Dr. Teresa Wood, MD BA is a Physician, a Philosopher, and a Powerhouse of education & enlightenment for women & people of all genders. She is a member of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health ( & works with Options for Sexual Health. Her Life Mission is to revolutionise how we LISTEN TO, INSPIRE & EMPOWER women & all genders to live HEALTHY HAPPY HOTTER lives. At conferences & medical schools around the world, she teaches physicians & students about Female Sexual Function, Peri/Menopause, Genetics of Gender Diversity. As a philosopher, she addresses the questionable ways we apply science to female bodies & sexuality. She has been helping people Un-Learn their limiting Sex-Education for decades. In early 2000’s, she became a doctor to change the way we do medicine. She is a renown internationally as a Relationship, Sex & Intimacy Coach for physicians & their partners.
Imagine The Meno Possibilities
Evidence finally shows we can and should do better for women/non-binary people in peri/post- menopause–no surprise there! The safety & efficacy of MHT (Menopause Hormone Therapy), nutrition, sleep, body work, and natural oxytocin/dopamine are becoming clear. Dr. Wood & her team are here to help YOU feel like yourself again!
- You have symptoms? We have solutions.
- You have questions? We have answers.
- You want to share or cry or scream? We want to listen! Imagine that!
Want Support?
Am I falling apart?
Or is this just Peri / Menopause?
Common Symptoms
Can't Sleep / Insomnia
Brain Fog / Memory / Focus
Not Feeling Like Myself
Irritability / Rage
Vulvar Changes / Sex Pain
Joint / Muscle Pain
Weight Gain / Muscle Loss
Chest Tight / Palpitations
No More F's to Give
Bowels / Immunity / Allergies
Mood Swings
Bladder Infections Galore
Want Dr. Wood at Your Event / Grand Rounds?
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